- 23 OctFull professor position in the theory group
- 07 OctScience Festival
- 01 OctCongratulations to Laurine Puren for best oral presentation at WTTC19
- 11 JulFirst measurement of a nuclear recoil signal from solar neutrinos with XENONnT
- 13 JunCelebrating 30 years of research !
- 10 JunAwards ceremony for the academic winners of the Science Olympiads
- 25 AprFor Girls in Science
- 23 Feb150th anniversary of the SFP : accelerator physics exhibition
- 15 FebMaster Class CERN 2024
- 12 JanYear of physics at Subatech
- 11 SepSubatech at EPS-HEP2023
- 12 JulALICE Thesis Award 2023
- 26 MayBest papers Award at the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE30
- 01 DecCharmonia photoproduction in Pb-Pb collisions
- 21 NovFirst Collisions Pb-Pb Run3 at LHC
- 28 SepHeavy Ion collisions at LHC : a new era
- 07 SepSuperChooz PathFinder (LiquidO, neutrino, EDF)
- 01 AugFirst results from a Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoils from XENONnT
- 07 JulFirst collisions at 13.6 TeV at LHC
- 20 JanFirst experimental demonstration of the LiquidO technology
- 20 JanInstallation of the DAMIC-M prototype
- 30 NovAMO-TECH a project funded under the EIC Pathfinder Open call
- 04 OctFukushima, 10 years after
- 29 SepNantes research on astatine in the spotlight
- 12 JulIs 70Zn(d,x)67Cu the Best Way to Produce 67Cu for Medical Applications?
- 31 MayThe place of radiolysis in the origins of life
- 21 AprKM3NeT collaboration: Off Sicily... ARCA
- 07 AprIN2P3 collaboration with the Framatome Design School on advanced reactors
- 07 AprNews from POLLUSOLS program
- 12 MarNew insights into the mechanism of nuclear fission
- 18 DecReactor modeling & Decay Heat calculations for current and future reactors
- 12 AugSubatech's researchers (R) in magazine Actualité chimique
- 12 AugSubatech's researchers (R) in magazine Actualité chimique
- 15 JunInstallation of the MFT in the ALICE experiment
- 23 JanNew prediction of reactor antineutrino energy spectra increasingly inconsistent with the existence of sterile neutrinos