

    What makes the price of science, abstract knowledge, is that it is communicable

    Arthur Schopenhauer

    It is a tradition dear to Subatech to reach out to the public and to constantly strive to popularise the so-called hard sciences. It is in this sense that the communication unit, with the contribution of Subatech staff (researchers, IT staff, doctoral students), the support of the communication services of our supervisory bodies (CNRS, IMT Atlantique, Université de Nantes), IMT Atlantique, University of Nantes) and our partner, the region, aims to disseminate the problems and results of fundamental or applied scientific research. The actions of the communication unit are mainly reflected in meetings with the general public and schoolchildren (participation in the Fête de la Science, participation in the Nuit Blanche des Chercheurs, interventions in schools, Masterclasses, etc.), the organisation of numerous seminars, colloquia or other workshops, whether internal (with the scientific cafés) or international, and also in the publication of reports, brochures or other media (films, exhibitions, etc.)The dissemination of scientific and technical culture aims to explain the scientific process, to transmit the scientific knowledge of researchers to the non-scientific public and to encourage debate on the basis of this knowledge.


    e-mail: comm@subatech.in2p3.fr

    Phone: +33 (0)