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ALICE Thesis Award 2023

Congratulations to Rita who won an ALICE Thesis Award !

Rita received her award during the ALICE collaboration meeting on July 12th, 2023

The prize rewards each year two PhD thesis defended in the previous year. The thesis are selected on the basis of the level of the results obtained, the quality of the manuscript and the importance of the contribution to the collaboration.

Thesis title :

MFT commissioning and preparation for Run 3 data analysis with ALICE (LHC, CERN)

defended on October 28th, 2022 in Nantes

Supervisor : Gines Martinez

Co-supervisors: Guillaume Batigne, Maxime Guilbaud

Rita Sadek with a 2023 ALICE Thesis Award

Link to the thesis : https://theses.hal.science/tel-04008085

ALICE collaboration : https://alice.cern/

Plasma team @ SUBATECH : http://www-subatech.in2p3.fr/en/research/research-team/plasma/about