  1. Support Services >
The men and women who make the laboratory possible every day

General services to support all staff.

Instrumental services to build tomorrow's experimental facilities.

  • 13
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    risk prevention and infrastructure
  • 7
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  • Creation of mechanics department
  • Creation of the IT machine room
  • Commissioning of ALICE Tier2 (WLCG)
  • Creation of « SPR-I »
  • Creation of the MNDL IT division

Administration, risk prevention and infrastructure management (SPR-I) and computing department (ASR division) have set up the infrastructure and resources needed to support staff.

Computing (MNDL division), electronics and mechanics departments have been developed to meet the demands of building scientific systems as part of major international collaborations.


ALICE: a major contribution to the construction of the detector

The technical teams were involved in the ALICE experiment from an early stage, designing, building, installing and fine-tuning several parts of the muon spectrometer and electromagnetic calorimeters at the CERN site. In particular, they were responsible for the construction of the trajectography chambers, the acquisition electronics and the detector support structure

XEMIS2: the development of a camera for medical imaging


A technical team has set up at Nantes University Hospital to integrate this instrument for 3-gamma imaging of small animals. The camera was designed at Subatech around a time-projection chamber filled with liquid xenon, using 20,000 measurement channels to localize the radioactive tracer.

ALICE Tier2: impressive availability over 15 years

The IT department (ASR division) installed, integrated and administered the hardware and software infrastructure of a Tier2 WLCG computing node for the ALICE experiment, which included 74 servers (1,424 processors) running at full power, 2.5 Po of disk space and an availability of over 98% during the most representative production period.


SMILES: a new mass separator at Subatech

A technical team has begun work on this instrument by designing and building the laser assembly for sample desorption and ionization, and fitting out the enclosure incorporating electrostatic time-of-flight mass separation, before designing the final device.

Last modification on 03 November 2024at19 h 17