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News from POLLUSOLS program
With the creation of the OSUNA (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Nantes Atlantique) in 2008, the radiochemistry team of the Subatech laboratory positioned itself on environmental issues related to "nuclear" activities in the Loire catchment area (release of tritium from nuclear power plants, management of former uranium mines). The projects are now well structured at regional (POLLUSOLS programme), national (creation of the ZATU in 2015, collaboration with EDF, CEA-DAM....) and European (Radonorm) levels. At the regional level, the POLLUSOLS programme (2015-2021) funded by the Pays de la Loire region is coming to an end. It is in this context that several events are taking place:
- 16 april 2021 POLLUSOLS et la Région des Pays de la Loire organise a time of exchange on diffuse pollution
- 1st june 2021 Final conference POLLUSOLS
- 7 – 11 june 2021 Summer University POLLUSOLS 2021
POLLUSOLS project in the media
Subatech scientific staff involved in the POLLUSOLS project

Read more :https://osuna.univ-nantes.fr/recherche/projets-de-recherche/pollusols