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Installation of the DAMIC-M prototype

A prototype of the DAMIC-M detector was installed in December 2021 in the Modane underground laboratory in the Frejus tunnel. First results from the joint work of researchers and PhD students from Subatech and LPNHE laboratories, the University of Chicago and the University of Washington, are expected in the coming months.Links to DAMIC-M experience :https://damic.uchicago.edu www.damicm.cnrs.fr 

DamicM equipe

The detector core, two skippers CCDs. Working team* and the last screw placed by Claudia de Dominicis, PhD student in Subatech

*From left to right : Michelangelo Traina, PhD LPNHE, Jonty Paul, PhD U. Chicago, Alvaro Chavarria, Professeur University of Washington, spokesperson DAMIC at Snolab, Paolo Privitera, Professeur University of Chicago, spokesperson DAMICM, Claudia De Dominicis, PhD Subatech, Mariangela Settimo, researcher Subatech

Last modification on 23 September 2024at12 h 54