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Subatech at EPS-HEP2023

The EPS-HEP (European Physical Society - High Energy Physics) conference is a major 'high-energy' physics conference that covers a wide range of fields every 2 years, including the Standard Model and beyond, neutrinos, dark matter, gravitational waves and the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The first 'face-to-face' event since the COVID crisis, it took place from 20 to 25 August in Hamburg and was attended by more than 800 participants. Pol Bernard Gossiaux, professor at IMT Atlantique and deputy director of the laboratory, was invited to give a plenary presentation on "High Energy QCD Matter Theory", available at https://webcast.desy.de/.
Subatech is delighted to be given such a high profile this summer on one of its longstanding themes.

The conference website: https://www.eps-hep2023.eu/