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IN2P3 collaboration with the Framatome Design School on advanced reactors

IN2P3 and Framatome have just signed a collaboration protocol involving three IN2P3 laboratories, the LPSC in Grenoble, the IJCLab in Orsay, Subatech in Nantes, and Framatome's Design School, a new entity created in early 2020 and integrated into Framatome's Advanced Reactor Competence Centre.

The Subatech researchers involved: Axel Laureau and Lydie Giot from the Nuclear Structure and Energy (SEN) team

Access to the IN2P3 press release, coordinated by Sébastien Incerti, IN2P3 Deputy Scientific Director:

https://in2p3.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/lin2p3-collabore-avec-lecole-de-design-de-framatome-sur-les-reacteurs-avances Collaboration IN2P3 Framatome 2021

Participants : from left to right, Sébastien Incerti (IN2P3), Axel Laureau (Subatech), Patrice Verdier (IN2P3), Elsa Merle (LPSC), Jean-Marie Hamy (Framatome), Bernard Carluec, Florian Vaiana, Alexandre Dauphin (Framatome) and in distance : Lydie Giot (Subatech) and Jean-Christophe Blanchon (CORYS)_

Last modification on 17 November 2022at15 h 27