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Conferences, Seminars, Meetings

International conferences :

  • J.Briz, et al. Total absorption spectroscopy of _ssion fragments relevant for reactor antineutrino spectra determination, XXXIV Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland, September 2015.

  • F. Yermia, Steriles: Short Baseline Neutrino Experiments with Reactors, NuPhys2015, december 2015. London, UK

  • New results from the Double Chooz experiment, G. Pronost presentation on behalf of the DC collaboration, NuFact 2015, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

  • BR2 Reactor Coupled MCNPX and MURE Simulations for the SoLid Experiment, L. Giot, M. Fallot, S. Kacheva, E. Koonen, talk and Proceedings of the European Research Reactor Conference RRFM 2015, 19 - 23 April 2015, Bucharest, Romania

  • Deformation of the N=Z nucleus 72Kr via beta decay, J. Briz et al. (IS370 collaboration), talk and proceedings at 2nd conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS), Tokyo (Japan) 2014.

  • Results of fission products β decay properties measurement performed with a total absorption spectrometer, A.A. Zakari-Issoufou et al. , talk and oroceedings oatthe International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2013), EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 10019 (2014)

  • Gamma/neutron competition above the neutron separation energy in delayed neutron emitters, Valencia, E.; Algora, A.; Tain, J. L.; et al., talk and proceedings at International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2013), EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 02002 (2014)

  • Recent Results from the Double Chooz experiment, F. Yermia on behalf of the DC collaboration, talk and proceedings at Rencontres de Blois 2014

  • SoLid: Search for Oscillation with Lithium6 Detector, F. Yermia et al., ICHEP 2014 poster and proceedings.

  • Core Library for Avanced Scenario Simulation, C. L. A. S. S. : Principle & Application. B. Mouginot, B. Leniau, N. Thiollière, M. Ernoult, S. David, X. Doligez, A. Bidaud, O. Meplan, R. Montesanto, G. Bellot, JB Clavel, I. Duhamel, E. Letang , J. Miss. Poster and proceedings at International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. Kyoto (Japan) 2014.

  • Production of 232U from irradiation of standard and thorium-based fuels in PWR reactors. B. Leniau, M. Ernoult, X. Doligez, J. Wilson. Talk and proceedings at International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. Kyoto (Japan) 2014.

  • Antineutrino emission from fuel with high proliferation resistance, T. Shiba, S. Cormon and M. Fallot,  talk and proceedings at Kyoto International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. (Japan), 28 septembre- 3 octobre 2014.

  • Reactor antineutrino detection in the Double-Chooz experiment: New techniques for background reduction, residual rates and spectra, Rachel Carr, Emily Conover, Adrien Hourlier, Makoto Kitazawa, Jose Mariano Lopez Castaño, Guillaume Pronost, Romain Roncin, Ralitsa Sharankova, Lee Stockes, Michael Wurm ; Conference Internationale Neutrino 2014, Boston, 1-7 juin 2014. Poster

  • Status of the Double Chooz detectors, Emmanuel Chauveau, Guillaume Pronost, Ben Rybolt ; Neutrino 2014 International conference, Boston, 1-7 juin 2014, poster

  • «The Visible Energy of the Double Chooz Experiment, Yosuke Abe, Guillaume Pronost, Juergen Reichenbacher, Bernd Reinhold, Lee Stokes, Stefan Wagner, Neutrino 2014, Boston, 1-7 juin 2014, poster

  • M. Fallot, STATUS OF THE PREDICTIONS OF REACTOR ANTI-NEUTRINO SPECTRA, invited talk at NuPhys 2013, London, december 2013. With proceedings

  • A.A. Zakari, The total Absorption Spectroscopy Technique for Reactor Technology and Basic Nuclear Physics, presentation at Nuclear Science Simposium IEEE, 28 october -2 november 2013, Seoul, Korea. With proceedings.

  • A.A. Zakari, Recent Results from Total Absorption Spectroscopy Measurements at Jyväskylä, presentation at Colloque Ganil (23-27 september 2013, Port-en-bessin).

  • A.A. Zakari, Results of fission product β-decay properties measurement performed with a TAS, poster at INPC (2-7 june 2013, Florence), with proceedings.

  • A.A. Zakari, Measurement of fission product β-decay using a total absorption spectrometer, poster at FISSION 2013 (28-31 may, Cean) with proceedings.

  • M. Fallot, Contribution of recently measured nuclear data to reactor antineutrino

    energy spectra predictions, talk at FISSION 2013 (28-31 may, Cean) with proceedings.

  • M.Estienne, Contribution of recently measured nuclear data to reactor antineutrino energy spectra predictions, presentation @ Nuclear Data conference, New York, march 2013. With proceedings.

  • A. Cucoanes, The Nucifer Experiment, presentation @ Nuclear Data conference, New York, march 2013. With proceedings.

  • M.Fallot, The detection of reactor antineutrinos for reactor core monitoring : an overview, presentation @ Nuclear Data conference, New York, march 2013. With proceedings.

  • A. Onillon, Reactor & antineutrino spectrum calculats for the Double Chooz  first p hase results, presentation @ Nuclear Data conference, New York, march 2013. With proceedings.

  • S. Cormon,Determination of the Sensitivity of the Antineutrino Probe for Reactor Core

    Monitoring, presentation @ Nuclear Data conference, New York, march 2013. With proceedings.

  • A. Remoto, poster @ Neutrino 2012 (Kyoto, Japan) on behalf of the Double Chooz collaboration : Towards θ13 with the Double Chooz detector

  • A. Onillon, poster @ Neutrino 2012 (Kyoto, Japan) on behalf of the Double Chooz collaboration : Reactor and antineutrino spectrum calculation for the Double Chooz first phase results

  • A. Remoto poster @ CHEP 2012 (New York City, US) on behalf of the Double Chooz collaboration  : The Double Chooz Data Streaming.

  • N. Thiollière, L. Zanini, J.C. David, J. Eikenberg, A. Guertin, A.Y. Konobeyev, S. Lemaire, S. Panebianco. Gas production in the MEGAPIE spallation target. International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications - ANIMMA . Ghent, Belgium. 6-9 June, 2011.

  • A. Remoto poster @ Neutrino2010 (athens, Greece) on behalf of the Double Chooz collaboration : "Read-out system of Double Chooz experiment"

  • "From science to safety: the long way to risk management assessment in nuclear industry", international Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization, AIEA Conference,14-18 November 2011 Rabat, Morocco

    R. Le Ruyet, E. Fraillon, T. Bourgois, D. Louvat, S. Ghaffari, L. Giot, B. Journé

  • A. Cucoanes on behalf of the Nucifer Collab. Int. Conf. TAUP 2011 proceedings, The Nucifer experiment

  • Nuclear Reactor Simulations for Unveiling Diversion Scenarios: Capabilities of the Antineutrino Probe Applied to VHTR Monitoring, S. Cormon, M. Fallot, V.M. Bui, L. Giot, A Onillon, A. Porta, F. Yermia, presentation and proceedings of the Int. Conf. ICAPP 2011, 11198, (2011) Nice, France

  • M. Fallot et al., presentation and proceedings of the ESARDA Annual Meeting, NA/NT WG plenary session, Budapest, April 2011

  • A. Porta et al. (Nucifer Collab.) presentation and proceedings of the ESARDA Annual Meeting, NA/NT WG plenary session, Budapest, April 2011

  • Presentation and proceedings of the Symposium on International Safeguards : preparing for Future Verification Challenges, Vienna, Nov. 2010, IAEA-CN-184/246, M. Fallot, V.M. Bui, S. Cormon, A. Nuttin, L. Giot, A. Porta, F. Yermia and the Nucifer Collaboration, Nuclear Reactor Simulations for Unveiling Diversion Scenarios : capabilities of the antineutrino probe

  • Presentation and proceedings of the Symposium on International Safeguards : preparing for Future Verification Challenges, Vienna, Nov. 2010, Nucifer collaboration, Reactor Neutrino Detection for Non Proliferation with the NUCIFER Experiment

  • Presentation and proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '10), June 2010, San Diego (California), V.M. Bui, M. Fallot, L. Giot, J. Martino, A.Porta, F. Yermia : Simulation of 235U and 239Pu decay heat using selected beta decay data in the framework of reactor antineutrino experiments.

  • Presentation and proceedings of the Blois Conference 2010, (22e rencontres de Blois) Juillet 2010, M. Fallot on behalf of the Double Chooz collaboration, The Double Chooz experiment.

  • M. Fallot, Invited at the general congress of SFP 2009 to give a talk during the session "Outils pour explorer la physique des extrêmes", subject "Les neutrinos au service de la non-prolifération".

  • Nuclear Reactor Simulations for Unveiling Diversion Scenarios : capabilities of the antineutrino probe, M. Fallot, et al. GLOBAL 2009 Paris, Sept. 2009.

  • The Nucifer experiment : antineutrino detection for reactor monitoring F. Yermia et al. for the Nucifer collaboration, GLOBAL 2009 Paris, Sept. 2009.

  • Monte Carlo simulations in the context of reactor monitoring with antineutrinos, L. Giot et al. for the Double Chooz collaboration, PHYSOR 2008 conference : «  Nuclear Power, a sustainable resource ».

  • Les antineutrinos comme sondes des réacteurs nucléaires B. Guillon, Congrès Général 2007 de la Société Française de Physique, Grenoble France (2007).

  • Towards reactor monitoring with antineutrinos, Global 2007: Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems, Global 2007, Boise, Idaho, USA. B. Guillon et al.

  • Towards reactor neutrino applied physics, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, ND 2007, Nice, France, M. Fallot et al.

  • Non proliferation studies with the Double Chooz detector, S. Cormon et al. XXII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics Neutrino 2006, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA).

  • « MEGAPIE Target Design », A. Guertin et al., International workshop on heavy liquid metal spallation target for transmutation, Aix-en-Provence 11/2006

  • « Measurement of double differential cross sections for light charged particle production in proton induced reactions at 62.9 MeV on lead target 208Pb », A. Guertin et al., XL international winter meeting on nuclear physics Bormio 01/2002

Workshops and meetings :

  • Measurements of fission fragment beta decay properties through Total Absorption Spectroscopy, A. Porta et al., JEFF-NEEDS meeting, 30 november 2015, Paris.

  • Total Absorbtion Spectroscopy of fission fragments relevant for reactor antineutrino spectra and decay heat calculations, A. Porta et al., workshop WONDER 2015, 5-8 october 2015, Aix - en - Provence.

  • Baptiste Mouginot, Baptiste Leniau, Nicolas Thiollière et al. CLASS Overview. International workshop on scenario. July 2015, Madison university US.

  • Baptiste Mouginot, Baptiste Leniau, Nicolas Thiollière et al. Physics models in CLASS. International workshop on scenario. July 2015, Madison university US.

  • Fanny Courtin, Nicolas Thiollière, Baptiste Mouginot, Baptiste Leniau et al. MOX on enriched Uranium physics models for CLASS. International workshop on scenario. July 2015, Madison university US.

  • Nicolas Thiolliere, Fanny Courtin, Baptiste Mouginot, Baptiste Leniau et al. ADS physics models for CLASS. International workshop on scenario. July 2015, Madison university US.

  • Total Absorption Spectroscopy measurements of nuclei interesting for reactor antineutrino spectra and decay heat calculations, A Porta et al., CHANDA-JEFF meeting, 27-29 avril 2015, Paris, Invited talk

  • A. S. Cucoanes. The Double Chooz Experiment, workshop on The Status of Neutrino Flux Modelling  (2015).

  • M. Fallot and et al. Synergy between Reactor Antineutrinos and Delayed Neutron Emission : Progress Report from the Nantes Group, Meeting of CRP on beta delayed Neutron emitters (2015).

  • M. Fallot and et al. TAS Measurements to Probe Low Lying Collective Modes @ the ALTO Facility, and the TOSCA Detector Project, Workshop on « Collective mode studies through beta decay measurements » (2015).

  • M. Fallot. Antineutrino Energy Spectra and the Summation Method, workshop on The Status of Neutrino Flux Modelling  (2015).

  • A. Porta. New TAS Results for Antineutrino Spectra, workshop on The Status of Neutrino Flux Modelling  (2015).

  • Reactor Simulations for Safeguards with the MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution Code, T. Shiba, M. Fallot et al.,  Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria).

  • SoLid: Innovative Antineutrino Detector for Reactor Monitoring, A.S. Cucoanes and the SoLid Collaboration, Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria).

  • Nuclear Reactor Monitoring with the Nucifer Neutrino Detector, D. Lhuillier and the Nucifer Collaboration, Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria).

  • Developing links with the industrial world for nuclear education, L. Giot, French and UK Perspectives on Innovative Pedagogies in Engineering Education, organise par Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in London (UK), 25-26 Mars 2014. Invited talk

  • Total Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) Measurements for Reactor Antineutrino Spectra Calculation, A. Porta, TAS Workshop, Valence (Espagne), 26-27 Juin 2014, Invited talk

  • Total Absorption Spectroscopy for Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics, Neutrino and Reactor Physics, M. Fallot, TAS Workshop, Valence (Espagne), 26-27 Juin 2014, Invited talk

  • Study of 72Kr beta decay via Lucrecia TAS, J. Briz, TAS Workshop, Valence (Espagne), 26-27 Juin 2014, Invited talk

  • TAS measurements for reactor neutrino and decay heat calculation, A. Porta, NEA, Nuclear Data Week, NEA, Issy-les Moulineaux, 24-28 Novembre 2014. Invited talk

  • M. Fallot et al., IAEA Nuclear Data Section Consultant’s Meeting on Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy: Current data needs for Decay Heat calculations and other Applications, 15-17 Dec. 2014. Invited talk

  • F. Yermia, Search for Oscillations with Lithium 6 Detector at BR2, prototype update and short perspectives, suivi du conseil scientifique de l’IN2P3, Paris, Fevrier 2014. Invited talk

  • ADS de puissance dans les scénarios nucléaires. Nicolas Thiollière et al. Audition CNE, session "Amont R&D". Avril 2014. Invited talk

  • Questions pour un Neutron ? Co-apprentissage par le jeu, L. Giot, journées E-pédagogie en Pays de la Loire du 17 au 19 juin 2014. Invited talk

  • Comparaison des Modèles de Propagation des incertitudes dans les Scenarios. Nicolas Thiollière. Journée d’échanges du défi NEEDS. Octobre 2014, Nantes. Invited talk

  • M. Fallot , Gas Filled Magnet Workshop (ILL Grenoble), invited talk on Calculation of Beta/Anti-neutrino Spectra from Fission Yields, mai 2014.

  • Décroissance de fragments de fission, émission retardée : Mesures de Spectroscopie par Absorption Totale (TAS) pour le Calcul de la Puissance Résiduelle et des Antineutrinos pour la non-prolifération, Enjeux et Perspectives, A. Porta, Workshop Données Nucléaires, IPN-Orsay 17-18 November 2014. Invited talk

  • Antineutrino emission from fuel with high proliferation resistance, T. Shiba, S. Cormon and M. Fallot, ESARDA Novel Approaches/ Novel Technologies WG meeting, Oxford, March 27-29 2014.

  • Double Chooz Reaches Its Proposal’s Goal with Only One Detector, A.S. Cucoanes, presentation at "Les Reunions Plenieres" of the "Groupement de Recherche (GDR)" Neutrino, Paris, 16-17 juin 2014.

  • Status of the SoLid experiment, F. Yermia, presentation at "Les Reunions Plenieres" of the "Groupement de Recherche (GDR)" Neutrino, Orsay, 16-17 juin 2014

  • Double-Chooz : Détection d'Antineutrinos et Bruits de Fond, G. Pronost, Demi-Journée Recherche - UFR Sciences Nantes, 14 janvier 2014

  • SoLid: Non-Proliferation with 6Li detector at BR2, A.S. Cucoanes for the SoLid collaboration, Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria). Poster

  • A. Porta et al., invited talk at NEEDS/JEFF workshop, 25-26 november 2013, Issy-les-Moulineaux(NEA) : TAS measurements for reactor antineutrino and decay heat calculations

  • A. Cucoanes, Reactor Induced Errors in Antineutrino Experiments, invited talk at GDR nautrinos, Lyon, November 2013.

  • M. Fallot,The Summation Method for Reactor Antineutrino Fundamental and Applied Physics, invited talk at the workshop on reactor neutrino spctra, INT, Seattle, US (november 2013)

  • A. Cucoanes, reactor neutrino spectra, invited talk at the workshop on reactor neutrino spctra, INT, Seattle, US (november 2013), not presented.

  • A.A. Zakari, Ab-Initio Methods For Computing Reactor Neutrino Spectra, invited talk at AAP workshop, 1-2 november, Seoul, Korea

  • N.Thiollière, La recherche sur les ADS à Subatech, invited talk at  in2p3 Workshop on ADS, September 2013, Nantes.

  • F. Yermia, presentation at Scientific Council of In2P3 of the Solid experiment , Paris, june 2013.

  • M. Fallot, The detection of reactor antineutrinos for reactor core monitoring:

    an overview, invited talk at ESARDA workshop,main session, Bruges, may 2013. With proceedings

  • M. Fallot, Link with Nuclear Data, invited joint talk with A. Algora (Valencia Spain) at ESARDA workshop, WG NA/NT dedicated to neutrinos, Bruges, may 2013. With proceedings

  • M.Fallot, REACTOR SIMULATIONS FOR REMOTE ANTINEUTRINO MONITORS, invited joint talk with A. Erickson (GeorgiaTech) at ESARDA workshop, WG NA/NT dedicated to neutrinos, Bruges, may 2013.With proceedings

  • A.Cucoanes, Synergies with Sterile Neutrino Experiments at Reactor,invited talk at ESARDA workshop, WG NA/NT dedicated to neutrinos, Bruges, may 2013.

  • M.Fallot, TOTAL ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY AT JYVASKYLA AND POTENTIAL PROSPECTS AT ALTO, invited talk at ALTO innauguration workshop, IPN Orsay, may 2013.

  • N.Thiolliére, A High Power ADS Concept, talk at international Workshop TCADS2, Nantes, may 2013. With proceedings.

  • B. Mouginot, CLASS : Core Library for Advanced Scenarios Simulations, talk at international Workshop TCADS2, Nantes, may 2013. With proceedings.

  • N.Thiollière, L'énergie du futur, invited talk at Conf. énergie journée Développement Durable Rennes.

  • Stéphanie Tillement, Benoit Journé, Nicolas Thiollière et Baptiste Mouginot. Le temps cyclique : Réacteurs du futur. Quels scénarios pour quelles décisions? Colloque Temps, Technique, Uranium. Nantes, 2013.

  • M. Fallot, présentation at GEDEPEON Atelier bilan, Paris, Activités autour des antineutrinosdes réacteurs (non-prolifération, Double Chooz, expérience TAGS) et de la puissance résiduelle des réacteurs à l’arrêt (expériences TAGS), Dec. 2012

  • M. Fallot, Meeting JEFF (nov. 2012) , Paris (invited talk) : experimental results from the latest TAS experiment, on behlaf of the TAS collaboration

  • M. fallot, invited talk at a mini-Workshop on reactor antineutrino energy spectra, Valencia, spain, oct. 2012.

  • M. Fallot, invited talk at AAP workshop, oct. 2012 in Hawai, invitation déclinée en raison du coût du déplacement.

  • A.A. Zakari, Fission products beta decay study for reactor entineutrino flux and decay heat evaluation, poster at Ecole Joliot-Curie, september 2012, Frejus, Fance.

  • M. Fallot, Estimated sensitivity of the antineutrino probe for future reactor monitoring, , INMM 53rd Annual Meeting, July 2012, Orlando Florida.

  • A.Onillon,"Reactor and antineutrino spectrum prediction for the Double Chooz experiment”, june 2012, EMN, Nantes, Oral contribution, JED 2012 (Prize for the best oral contribution)

  • A.S. Cucoanes for the Double Chooz Collaboration  Double Chooz Achievements ,

    presented at the Joint workshop of the France Japan and France Korea Particle Physics Laboratories (TYL-FKPPL), Clermont-Ferrand, (2012)

  •  M. fallot, May 2012 : ESARDA Annual Meeting, NA/NT WG : invited overview talk on the antineutrino probe for reactor monitoring, Luxembourg

  • A. Porta et al. ESARDA NA/NT workshop 2011 Helsinki, The Nucifer experiment

  • F. Yermia GDR Neutrino Nov. 2011, R&D in the framework of the Nucifer experiment @ SUBATECH, GDR Neutrinos Nov. 2011

  • A. Onillon, GDR Neutrino Nov. 2011 Reactor and Antineutrino Energy Spectrum Prediction of the Double Chooz Experiment

  • A. Remoto, GDR Neutrino Nov. 2011, First results of the Double Chooz experiment

  • A. Onillon, GEDEPEON meeting Juillet 2011, Etudes de sensibilites et evaluation des erreurs systematiques des taux de fission dans l’experience Double Chooz

  • M. Fallot et al. ESARDA Sept. 2011 Helsinki ESARDA WG NA/NT meeting : 1 overview talk, 1 talk on diversion scenarios

  • S. Cormon, Member Support Program meeting, CEA DAM, Juin 2011

  • M. Fallot et al. Workshop AAP 2011 Vienna, invited talk

  • Première réunion de l’Ad Hoc WG de l’AIEA dédie à la sonde antineutrinos des réacteurs, 2011

  • M. Fallot GEDEPEON Atelier Bilan Jan. 2011

  • Nicolas Thiolliere, Jean-Baptiste Clavel, Arnaud Guertin. Scénarios Double Strate de Transmutation des Actinides Mineurs en ADS. GEDEPEON, atelier bilan. Paris. 2011.

  • M. Fallot prospectives de physique appliquée du CNRS/IN2P3 Déc. 2010, Guadeloupe

  • A. Porta, JEFF Meeting Dec. 2011, invited talk, substitued by our colleague A. Algora

  • A. Porta, JEFF Meeting Dec. 2010, invited talk

  • Applied Antineutrino Physics Workshop 2010, Japon, 2 contributions communes CEA/SUBATECH : “The Nucifer project”, et “Nucifer Project: Full simulation scheme : From reactor to detector response », august 2010

  • « Neutrino Champagne 2009 », conférence Low Nu’09, à Reims, october 2009, M. Fallot invited for a summary on non-proliferation with neutrinos.

  • Applied Antineutrino Physics Workshop 2009 à Angra Dos Reis, Brésil. M. Fallot, 2 invited talk : « The Nucifer experiment » et « Time evolution of reactor antineutrino energy spectrum and flux ». http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=50498

  • AIEA janvier 2009 : http://www-nds.iaea.org/tagscm/ : M. Fallot : talk

  • Workshop MURE, février 2009 à l’IPN d’Orsay : 4 talk de V.M. Bui, M. Fallot, L. Giot et F. Yermia. http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/~pacs/pacs/activites/scenarios-systemes/MURE/MURE-0209.html and participation at previous MURE meetings from 2007, meeting with the groups of LPSC and IPNO from 2006, one organized at Nantes.

  • AIEA octobre 2008 : M. Fallot : talk titled "Nuclear Reactor and Spectra Simulations for Unveiling Diversion Scenarios " at AIEA meeting "Focused Workshop on Antineutrino Detection for Safeguards Applications ".

  • « XT-ADS Spallation Target Proof of Feasibility »

  • A. Guertin et al., EUROTRANS Annual Full Meeting DM1 Gênes 04/2008

  • Antineutrino Applied Physics Workshop 2007 à l’APC, Paris. M. Fallot, invited talk : « Effort on the simulation of antineutrino energy spectrum from reactors ». http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/AAP2007/

  • « Irradiation des matériaux de la cible de spallation d’un ADS : acquis et perspectives », T. Auger, J. Henry et A. Guertin, Audition CNE Paris 12/2007

  • « Les projets MEGAPIE et MEGAPIE II », A. Guertin et al., scientific council IN2P3 and PNPP Jussieu 12/2007

  • « MEGAPIE Target Design: Some feedbacks », A. Guertin et al., EURISOL Meeting: Materials & Spallation Target Orsay 06/2007

  • « Aval du cycle, spallation, transmutation, énergie, physique nucléaire », A. Guertin et al., Journées du laboratoire SUBATECH Le Croisic 05/2007

  • « XT-ADS Spallation target proof of feasibility: Progress and Future», A. Guertin et al., EUROTRANS Annual Full Meeting DM1 Lisbonne 03/2007

  • « Physique de l’Aval du Cycle Electronucléaire », A. Guertin et al., CNRS 03 commission evaluation Nantes 01/2007

  • « MEGAPIE, MYRRHA, XT-ADS Target », A. Guertin et al., SUBATECH laboratory evaluation comitee Nantes 01/2007

  • Antineutrino Applied Physics Workshop 2006 au Lawrence Livermore, National Laboratory (LLNL, USA), : M. Fallot invited talk « Experimental Research on Improved Antineutrino Spectra from reactors». http://neutrinos.llnl.gov/workshop/presentations.html

  • « MEGAPIE, MYRRHA, Cible XT-ADS », A. Guertin et al., genarel summary of SUBATECH projets, Nantes 12/2006

  • « Projet MEGAPIE et Cible XT-ADS », A. Guertin et al., Atelier Bilan du GdR GEDEPEON Fontenay-sous-Bois 12/2006

  • « La cible de spallation », A. Guertin, T. Kirchner, D. Coors et P. Schuurmans, Atelier ADS du GdR GEDEPEON Aix-en-Provence 05/2006

  • « XT-ADS Spallation target proof of feasibility », P. Schuurmans and A. Guertin, EUROTRANS Annual Full Meeting DM1 Mol 05/2006

  • « Status of the Design Report », A. Guertin et al., Technical Review Meeting MEGAPIE Villigen 03/2006

  • « Recherche pour la gestion durable des déchets des filières nucléaires présentes et futures », A. Guertin, B. Grambow et T. Kirchner, Meeting PACE-CNRS/IN2P3 Paris 01/2006

  • IN2P3 scientific council in 2006 : presentation of the non-prolifération research for the Double Chooz experiment

  • « MEGAPIE : Assemblage et tests hors faisceau », A. Guertin et al., Atelier Bilan du GdR GEDEPEON Paris 11/2005

  • « Prospectives sur les activités du groupe PACCA », A. Guertin et M. Fallot, Journées prospectives du laboratoire SUBATECH Nantes 05/2005

  • « Status of the Target Manufacturing », A. Guertin et al., Technical Review Meeting MEGAPIE Brasimone 04/2004

  • « Status of the Target Design and Manufacturing », A. Guertin et al., Technical Review Meeting MEGAPIE Karlsruhe 09/2003

  • « Status of the Target Design », A. Guertin et al., Technical Meeting MEGAPIE Villigen 03/2003

  • « MEGAPIE et LiSoR », A. Guertin et al., Atelier du GdR GEDEPEON Grenoble 12/2002

  • « MEGAPIE et LiSoR », A. Guertin et al., Journées du laboratoire SUBATECH Guidel 6/2002

  • Meetings of Double Chooz collaboration, web page: http://doublechooz.in2p3.fr/Public/French/welcome.php. and of Working Group «Reactor and Antineutrino Energy Spectrum simulations » : http://doublechooz.in2p3.fr/Private/Working_Groups/NonProliferation/index.php. Co-organisation Working Group activities with CEA/SPhN. Responsable for the reactor simulation activities (collaboration with MIT and LLNL, US) : regulat phone meeting organization.

  • Nucifer collaboration meetings

  • TAGS collaboration meetings

  • Ateliers Gédépéon, talk at the "atelier" with subjet Nuclear Data in 2004, regular talks at "ateliers bilan" from 2008 to 2012

Seminars :

  • Running and Future Experiments with Reactor Antineutrinos, A.S. Cucoanes, seminar at APC Paris, feb. 2014

  • Running and Future Experiments with Reactor Antineutrinos, A.S. Cucoanes, seminar at IPHC Strasbourg, mars 2014

  • Running and Future Experiments with Reactor Antineutrinos, A.S. Cucoanes, seminar at LPSC Grenoble, Mai 2014

  • B. Leniau, Caractérisation des sources radioactives du cycle du combustible. Applications au cycle du thorium (Synthèse de l’232U en combustibles solides), seminar at Subatech in novembr 2013


  • Mouginot : Seminair IPHC Strasbourg, 2012. CLASS : A Electronuclear Tool for IN2P3 : The French Electronuclear Fleet 1978-2010.

  • A. Porta, ITA seminar @ Subatech, juin 2012 : les neutrinos

  • Baptiste Mouginot, Recherche de la Vibration Géante de Paires et Mesure du Temps de Vie du Premier Etat Excité 2⁺ du ⁷⁴Zn par Méthode Plunger, séminaire à Subatech en decembre 2011

  • M. Fallot, seminar at SUBATECH, december 2011 : first Double Chooz results

  • Nicolas Thiolliere. Quelles énergies pour le XXIe siècle ? Conférence NEPAL – Campus Lasalle, Nantes, 2011.

  • F. Yermia, Avril 2009 : seminar at SUBATECH : « La détection d’antineutrinos pour le contrôle des réacteurs nucléaires avec l’expérience Nucifer ».

  • F. Yermia, Avril 2009 : seminar at LPSC, Grenoble : La détection d’antineutrinos pour le contrôle des réacteurs nucléaires avec l’expérience Nucifer ».

  • M. Fallot, Juin 2008 : seminar at Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay : « Les neutrinos et Double Chooz ».

  • « MEGAPIE et MYRRHA », A. Guertin et al., Popularization at Nantes high school 10/2006

  • « Les activités du groupe PACCA de SUBATECH », A. Guertin et al., Popularization at DRIRE Nantes 09/2006

  • « Le cyclotron ARRONAX, nouvel outil de recherche en médecine nucléaire et radiochimie », A. Guertin et al., Séminaire IPHC/IRES Strasbourg 04/2006

  • « MEGAPIE, un pas vers l’incinération des déchets nucléaires », A. Guertin et al., Popularization at Nantes University 11/2005

  • « MEGAPIE, un pas vers l’incinération des déchets nucléaires », A. Guertin et al., seminar at SUBATECH Nantes 03/2005

  • « La cible de spallation MEGAPIE, un pas vers l’incinération des déchets nucléaires », A. Guertin et al., seminar at CENBG Bordeaux 04/2004

  • « Incinération des déchets nucléaires: la transmutation ; Projet MEGAPIE: une cible de spallation », A. Guertin et al., Ecole Energie & Recherche Fréjus 03/2004

  • « La cible de spallation MEGAPIE, un pas vers l’incinération des déchets nucléaires », A. Guertin et al., seminar at IPNO Orsay 03/2004

Organization activities :

  • M. Estienne member of section 01 of CNRS (-> 2016)

  • N. Thiolliere, membre du comité d'organization du International workshop on scenario. July 2015, Madison university US.

  • M. Fallot et A. Porta, membres de l’organisation du premier workshop sur « Collective mode studies through beta decay measurements », EMN, Nantes, janvier 2015.

  • A.S. Cucoanes, M. Estienne, M. Fallot et A. Porta, membres de l’organisation du second workshop sur « The Status of Neutrino Flux Modelling, EMN, Nantes, janvier 2015.

  • M. Fallot, A. Porta, membre du comité d'organisation de l'Ecole Joliot Curie 2015, Experimental techniques in modern nuclear physics

  • F. Yermia : Organisation de la réunion de collaboration de l’expérience SoLid en mai 2015 à SUBATECH, Nantes

  • F. Yermia : Organisation de la réunion d’analyse de l’expérience SoLid en juin 2015 à SUBATECH, Nantes

  • L. Giot, membre du comité d'organisation de l'ecole joliot curie 2014  "neutrons and Nuclei"

  • M. Fallot, membre du comité d'organisation des RJC 2014

  • F. Yermia, membre du comité d'organisation de l’école de GIF 2014 

  • F. Yermia, membre du comité d'organisation de l’école de GIF 2014

  • Organisation of the ESARDA workshop, WG NA/NT, dedicated to neutrinos, Bruges, may 2013.

  • Organisation of the international Workshop TCADS2, Nantes, may 2013

  • Organization of a meeting of EU++ - Double Chooz analysis cluster in November 2010 at SUBATECH, Nantes

  • Constitution of sub-WG dedicated to antineutrinos in the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), SUBATECH responsability

  • meeting of Double Chooz working group  "Reactor and antineutrino spectrum simulations" at Nantes, 15-16 octobre 2009.

  • Organization Double Chooz collaboration meetings at Nantes in 2006, 2007, and september 2009.

  • Organization of Nucifer collaboration meeting at Nantes : 11st march 2009.

  • Organization of Double Chooz GW meeting for the group Reactor and antineutrino energy spectrum simulations.

  • Member of CNU, section 29, 2007-2011 : M. Fallot.

  • Members of selection comitees of Nantes University for a Maître de Conférence selection, and ATER position selections (2008, 2009).

  • Membre of SUBATECH laboratoty council from 2008 : M. Fallot.

  • Membre of scientific comitee "Ecole Joliot-Curie" from end 2008 : L. Giot.

  • Co-organization of the workshops Exotic Nuclei and Neutron Stars (M. Fallot, M. Grasso, E. Khan, J. Margueron) et innauguration talk of the first workshop (2008) : M. Fallot.

  • Co-organization of "journées de la division de Physique Nucléaire de la SFP" at Nantes University in june 2008 on subject : Research of quark and gluon plasma and compact stars

  • Co-organization of RJC2006, JRJC 2007, RJC2008, JRJC2009 et and introduction of sessions : “La physique nucléaire médicale” (L. Giot) et “Les modes collectifs vibratoires des noyaux” (M. Fallot).

  • Organization of 1 day open meeting on nuclear waste at SUBATECH, June 2006.

  • Membre de jurys de thèse ( Orsay et external examiner pour Valencia (Espagne) et Stellenbosch University (Afrique du Sud)) : M. Fallot

  • Referee for Physical Review Letters, Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A et Progress in Nuclear Energy : M. Fallot

  • Membres de la CCPI du laboratoire entre 2010 et 2014 : F. Yermia et A. Porta

Last modification on 01 February 2016at11 h 31