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Sélection de publications avec comité de lecture / Selection of publications with referee


  •  Dimitriou P. , ...Estienne M., ...Fallot M., ...Giot L. et al., to be published in Nuclear Data Sheets 2021.
  • K. Heinz, M. Estienne, M. Fallot, S. Cormon, A. Cucoanes, B. Jurado, K. Kern, Ch. Schmitt, T. Shiba, to be published in Nuclear Data Sheets 2021, arXiv: 2012.08199 [nucl-ex]


  •  V. Guadilla et al., Determination of Beta Decay Ground State Feeding of Nuclei of Importance for Reactor Applications, Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 064304 .


  • M. Estienne et al., Updated Summation Model: An Improved Agreement with the Daya Bay Antineutrino Fluxes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, (2019) 022502.
  • V. Guadilla et al., Large Impact of the Decay of Niobium Isomers on the Reactor ¯νe Summation Calculations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 042502.
  • V. Guadilla al., Total absorption γ -ray spectroscopy of niobium isomers, Phys. Rev. C 100 (2) (2019) 024311.
  • V. Guadilla et al., Total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy of the β-delayed neutron emitters 137I and 95Rb, Phys. Rev. C 100 (4) (2019) 044305.
  • Y. Abreu et al., Commissioning and Operation of the Readout System for the SoLid Neutrino Detector, JINST 14 (2019) P11003.
  • Y. Abreu et al., Development of a Quality Assurance Process for the SoLid Experiment, JINST 14 (2019) 02, P02014.


  •  Y. Abreu et al., Optimisation of the Scintillation Light Collection and Uniformity for the Solid Experiment, J. of Inst. 13 (2018) P09005.

  • Y. Abreu et al., Performance of a Full Scale Prototype Detector at the BR2 Reactor for the SoLid Experiment, J. of Inst 13 (2018) P05005.

  • T. Abrahao et al., Novel event classification based on spectral analysis of scintillation waveforms in Double Chooz, J. of Inst. 13 (2018) P01031.

  • V. Guadilla et al., Characterization and Performance of the DTAS Detector, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 910 (2018) 79.


  • E. Valencia et al., Total Absorption γ-ray Spectroscopy of the β-delayed Neutrons 87Br, 88Br and 94Rb, Phys. Rev. C 95 (2017) 024320.

  • S. Rice et al., Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study of the β-decay of 86Br and 91Rb, Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017) 014320.

  • M. Fallot, Viewpoint: Getting to the Bottom of an Anrtineutrino Anomaly, Physics 10 (2017) 66 (Physics "viewpoint" on Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017) 251801).

  • V. Guadilla et al., Experimental Study of 100Tc β-decay with Total Absorption γ-ray Spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. C 96 (2017) 014319.

  • V. Guadilla et al.,Characterization of a Cylindrical Plastic β-detector with Monte Carlo Simulations of Optical Photons , NIM A 854 (2017) 134.

  • Y. Abreu et al., A Novel Segmented-Scintillator Antineutrino Detector, J. of Inst 12 (2017) P04024.


  • Y. Abe et al., Characterization of the Spontaneous Light Emission of the PMTs used in the Double Chooz Experiment, J. of Inst. 11 (2016) P08001.

  • V.M. Bui et al., Antineutrino emission and gamma background characteristics from a thermal research reactor, submitted to Phys. Rev. D, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.07522v1.pdf

  • Y. Abe et al., Muon capture on light isotopes in Double Chooz, Phys. Rev. C 93 (2016) 054608.

  • Y. Abe et al.,Measurement of 13 in Double Chooz using nuetron captures on Hydrogen with novel background rejection techniques, JHEP 01 (2016) 163.

  • V.Guadilla et al., First experiment with the NUSTAR/FAIR Decay Total Absorption γγ-Ray Spectrometer (DTAS) at the IGISOL IV facility, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B 376 (2016) 334.

  • G. Boireau et al., Online Monitoring of the Osiris Reactor with the Nucifer Neutrino Detector, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) 112006.


  • A.-A. Zakari-Issoufou et al., Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study of 92Rb Decay: A Major Contributor to Reactor Antineutrino Flux, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 102503 (2015)

  • Y. Abe et al., Improved Measurements of the Neutrino Mixing Angle theta(13) with the Double Chooz Detector, Journal of High Energy Physics 1502, 74 (2015).

  • M. Ernoult et al., Advanced Plutonium Management in PWR, Complementarity of Thorium and Uranium, Progress in Nuclear Energy 78, 330 (2015).

  • B. Leniau, B. Mouginot, N. Thiolliere, and et al., A Neural Network Approach for Burn-up Calculation and Its Application to the Dynamic Fuel Cycle Code CLASS, Annals of Nuclear Energy 81, 125 (2015).

  • B. Mouginot, B. Leniau, N. Thiollière et al., MOX fuel enrichment prediction in PWR using polynomial models, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 85, November 2015, Pages 812-819, ISSN 0306-4549.

  • J.L. Tain et al, Enhanced _γ-Ray Emission from Neutron Unbound States Populated in _β decay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 062502.

  • N. Thiollière, F. Courtin et al., Prediction of required MgO volumic fraction in ADS fuel dedicated to minor actinides transmutation. Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 85, November 2015, Pages 518-524, ISSN 0149-1970.

  • M. Lebois et al., Comparative measurement of prompt fission γ-ray emission from fast-neutron-induced fission of 235U and 238U, Phys. Rec. C 92 (2015) 034618.


  • Y. Abe et al., Precision Muon Reconstruction in Double Chooz, NIM A 764, 330 (2014).

  • Y. Abe et al., Background-Independent Measurement of theta(13) in Double Chooz, Phys. Lett. B 735, 51 (2014).

  • Y. Abe et al., Improved Measurements of the Neutrino Mixing Angle theta(13) with the Double Chooz Detector, JHEP 1410, 086 (2014).

  • Y. Abe et al., Ortho-Positronium Observation in the Double Chooz Experiment, JHEP 1410, 032 (2014).

  • A. Algora et al., Total Absorption Study of Beta Decays Relevant for Nuclear Applications and Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 12 (2014).

  • S. Cormon et al., Determination of the Sensitivity of the Antineutrino Probe for Reactor Core Monitoring, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 141 (2014).

  • A. S. Cucoanes., The Nucifer Experiment, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 157 (2014).

  • M. Estienne et al., Contribution of Recently Measured Nuclear Data to Reactor Antineutrino Energy Spectra Predictions, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 149 (2014).

  • M. Fallot., The Detection of Reactor Antineutrinos for Reactor Core Monitoring: An Overview, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 137 (2014).

  • X. Ledoux et al., The Neutrons for Science Facility at SPIRAL-2, Nuclear Data Sheets 119, 353 (2014).

  • A. Onillon., Reactor and Antineutrino Spectrum Calculations for the Double Chooz First Phase Results, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 153 (2014).

  • L. Zanini et al., Measurement of Volatile Radionuclides Production and Release Yields Followed by a Post-Irradiation Analysis of a Pb/Bi Filled Ta Target at ISOLDE, Nuclear Data Sheets 119, 292 (2014).


  • Y. Abe et al., Direct Measurement of Backgrounds Using Reactor-off Data in Double Chooz, Phys. Rev. D 87, 011102 (2013).

  • Y. Abe et al., First Measurement of theta(13) from Delayed Neutron Capture on Hydrogen in the Double Chooz Experiment, Phys. Lett. B 723, 66 (2013).

  • F. Beissel and et al., Trigger and Timing System of the Double Chooz Experiment, JINST 8, T01003 (2013).

  • L. Giot and et al., Isotopic Production Cross Sections of Residual Nuclei in Spallation Reactions Induced by 136Xe Projectiles on Proton at 500 A MeV, Nucl. Phys. A 899, 116 (2013).

  • K.-H. Schmidt and et al., High-Precision Measurement of Total Fission Cross Sections in Spallation Reactions, Phys. Rev. C 87, 034601 (2013).


  • Y. Abe et al. Indication of Reactor (nu)over-Bar(e) Disappearance in the Double Chooz Experiment, Physical Review Letters 108, 131801 (2012).

  • Y. Abe et al. Reactor Electron Antineutrino Disappearance in the Double Chooz Experiment, Physical Review D 86, 052008 (2012).

  • Y. Abe et al. First Test of Lorentz Violation with a Reactor-Based Antineutrino Experiment, Physical Review D 86, 112009 (2012).

  • M. Assie et al. Spectroscopy of Na-18: Bridging the Two-Proton Radioactivity of Mg-19, Physics Letters B 712, 198 (2012).

  • M. Fallot et al. New Antineutrino Energy Spectra Predictions from the Summation of Beta Decay Branches of the Fission Products, Physical Review Letters 109, 202504 (2012).

  • C. L. Jones et al. Reactor Simulation for Antineutrino Experiments Using DRAGON and MURE, Physical Review D 86, 012001 (2012).


  • M. Assie et al. SPECTROSCOPY OF THE UNBOUND NUCLEUS Na-18, International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics 20, 971 (2011).

  • B. Braunn and et al. Nuclear Reaction Measurements of 95 MeV/u 12C Interactions on PMMA for Hadrontherapy, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269, 2676 (2011).

  • L. Zanini et al. Experience from the Post-Test Analysis of MEGAPIE, Journal of Nuclear Materials 415, 367 (2011).

  • T. A. Mueller et al. Improved Predictions of Reactor Antineutrino Spectra, Phys. Rev. C 83, 054615 (2011).

  • I. C. Sagrado Garcia et al. Neutron Production in Neutron-Induced Reactions at 96 MeV on Fe-56 and Pb-208, Physical Review C 84, 044619 (2011).

  • N. Thiolliere et al. Gas Production in the MEGAPIE Spallation Target, Nuclear Science and Engineering 169, 178 (2011).

  • J. L. Tain et al. Beta Decay Studies of Neutron Rich Nuclei Using Total Absorption Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Delayed Neutron Measurements, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 59, 1499 (2011).

  • L. Zanini et al., Experience from the post-test analysis of MEGAPIE, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 415 367–377 (2011).


  • S. P. Chabod, J.-C. David, D. Ene, D. Ridikas, and N. Thiolliere. In-Target Radioactive Nuclei Production Rates with EURISOL Single-Stage Target Configuration, European Physical Journal A 45, 131 (2010).

  • C. Golabek et al. Investigation of Deep Inelastic Reactions in U-238+U-238 at Coulomb Barrier Energies, European Physical Journal A 43, 251 (2010).

  • J. A. Scarpaci and M. Fallot. Probing Preformed Alpha Particles in the Ground State of Nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 82, (2010).


  • Stefano Panebianco et al., Neutronic characterization of the MEGAPIE target, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36 350-354 (2009).


  • M. Dierckx et al., WEBEXPIR: Windowless target electron beam experimental irradiation  , Journal of Nuclear Materials, 376 302-306 (2008)

  • C. Fazio et al., The MEGAPIE-TEST project: Supporting research and lessons learned in first-of-a-kind spallation target technology, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 238 (2008) 1471-1495 (2008)

  • F. Haddad et al., ARRONAX, a high energy and high intensity cyclotron for nuclear medicine, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 35:1377–1387 (2008)

  • L. Zanini et al., Neutronic and Nuclear Post-Test Analysis of MEGAPIE, PSI Bericht Nr. 08-04, ISSN 1019-0643 (2008).


  • B. Jurado et al., Mass measurements of neutron-rich nuclei near the N=20 and 28 shell closures, Physics Letters B649, 43-48 2007.

  • N. Keeley et al., Probing the 8He ground state via the 8He(p, t)6He reaction, Physics Letters B646, 222-226 2007.

  • A. Klimkiewicz et al., Nuclear symmetry energy and neutron skins derived from pygmy dipole resonances, Phys. Rev. C 76 (2007) 051603.

  • A. Klimkiewicz et al., Dipole response of neutron-rich Sn isotopes, Nuclear Physics A 788 (2007) 145.

  • V. Lima et al., Nuclear break-up of 11Be, Nucl. Phys. A. 795 (2007) 1-18.

  • S.Pomp et al, Neutron-induced light-ion production from Fe, Pb and U at 96 MeV , Radiation Protection Dosimetry 126 (1-4):123-125 2007

  • D. L. Price et al., Alpha decay of excited states in 14C, Phys. Rev. C 75 (2007) 014305.

  • K. Rusek, L. Giot, P. Roussel-Chomaz, Influence of the transfer reactions on p+6He elastic scattering, European Physics Journal A 32 (2):159-163 2007.


  • E. Becheva et al., The N=14 shell closure in 22O viewed through a neutron sensitive probe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 012501(2006).

  • M. Fallot et al., Evidence for a Three-Phonon Giant Resonance State in 40Ca Nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 242502.

  • Haddad, F; Ferrer, L; Guertin, A; Michel, N; Carlier, T; Barbet, J; Chatal, J, Evaluation of potential innovative positron-emitting radionuclides for PET applications, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 33S228-S228 2006

  • A. Khouaja et al., Reaction cross-section and reduced strong absorption radius measurements of neutron-rich nuclei in the vicinity of closed shells N=20 and N=28, Nucl. Phys. A 780 (2006) 1.

  • E.G. Lanza et al., Microscopic calculations of double and triple giant resonance excitations in heavy ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C 74 (2006) 064614,

  • A. L'Hoir et al., Ion slowing down and charge exchange at small impact parameters selected by channeling: 2Superdensity effects, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research section B, 245 1-14 2006.

  • F. Skaza et al. Experimental evidence for subshell closure in He-8 and indication of a resonant state in 7He below 1 MeV, Physical Review C73 044301 2006.


  • P. Adrich et al., Evidence for Pygmy and Giant Dipole Resonances in 130Sn and 132Sn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 132501 (2005).

  • M. Fallot et al., Direct decay of the GQR in 40Ca through alpha-particle emission, Phys. Lett. B 613 (2005)128-133.

  • A.Guertin et al., Neutron and light charged particle production in proton induced reactions on 208Pb at 62.9 MeV, European Physical Journal A, 23, p. 49-60 2005

  • L. Giot et al., Investigation of 6He cluster structures, Physical Review C71 064311, 2005.

  • FD. Santos et al., Study of 19Na at SPIRAL, European Physical Journal A24 :237-247 2005.

  • F. Skaza et al., Important pickup coupling effect on 8He(p, p) elastic scattering, Physics Letters B 619, 82-87 2005.


  • F. Barrue et al., Electron emission induced by fast heavy ions in a thin silicon crystal, Physical Review A 70 032902 2004.

  • V. Blideanu et al., Nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies: New data at 96 MeV and theoretical status, Physical review C 70, 014607, p. 1-18 2004

  • F. Groeschel et al., The MEGAPIE 1 MW target in support to ADS development: status of R&D and design, Journal of Nuclear Materials 335 (2004) 156–162 2004  

  • R. Palit et al., Coulomb breakup of secondary beams of neutron-rich nuclei LAND Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. A 738 (2004)45-51.

  • R. Palit et al., Dipole excitations of neutron-proton asymmetric nuclei LAND Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. A 731,(2004) 235-248.

  • T. Zerguerras et al., Study of light proton-rich nuclei by complete kinematics measurements, European Physical Journal A, vol 20 number 3 (2004)389.


  • K. Boretzky et al., Two-Phonon Giant Resonances in 136Xe, 208Pb, and 238U, Physical Review C 68, 024317 (2003).

  • M. Fallot et al., Anharmonic Vibrations in nuclei, Nuclear Physics A 729 (2003) 699-712.


  • M.V. Andrés et al., Microscopic description of Coulomb and nuclear excitation of multiphonon states in 40Ca + 40Ca collisions, Physical Review C, Vol. 65 (2002) 14608.

  • T. Ethvignot et al., A fission-fragment-sensitive target for X-ray spectroscopy in neutron-induced fission, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A490 (2002) 559

  • M. Fallot et al., Coulomb versus nuclear break-up of 11Be halo nucleus in a non perturbative framework, Nuclear Physics A 700(1-2)(2002)70.

Publications dans des actes de congrès

  • BR2 Reactor Coupled MCNPX and MURE Simulations for the SoLid Experiment, L. Giot, M. Fallot, S. Kacheva, E. Koonen, Proceedings of the European Research Reactor Conference RRFM 2015, 19 - 23 April 2015, Bucharest, Romania

  • M. Fallot, Status of the Predictions of Reactor Anti-neutrino Spectra, invited talk at NuPhys 2013, London, December 2013, with proceedings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 598, 012003 (2015).

  • Deformation of the N=Z nucleus 72Kr via beta decay, J. Briz et al. (IS370 collaboration), 2nd conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS), Tokyo (Japan) 2014. JPS Conf. Proc. Volume 6 (2015)

  • Results of fission products β decay properties measurement performed with a total absorption spectrometer, A.A. Zakari-Issoufou et al. , Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2013), EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 10019 (2014)

  • Gamma/neutron competition above the neutron separation energy in delayed neutron emitters, Valencia, E.; Algora, A.; Tain, J. L.; et al. . , Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2013), EPJ Web of Conferences 66, 02002 (2014)

  • Recent Results from the Double Chooz experiment, F. Yermia on behalf of the DC collaboration, proceedings Rencontres de Blois

  • SoLid: Search for Oscillation with Lithium6 Detector, F. Yermia et al., ICHEP 2014 poster proceedings, to be published in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements (NUPHBP).Poster

  • Core Library for Avanced Scenario Simulation, C. L. A. S. S. : Principle & Application. B. Mouginot, B. Leniau, N. Thiollière, M. Ernoult, S. David, X. Doligez, A. Bidaud, O. Meplan, R. Montesanto, G. Bellot, JB Clavel, I. Duhamel, E. Letang , J. Miss. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. Kyoto (Japan) 2014. Poster

  • Production of 232U from irradiation of standard and thorium-based fuels in PWR reactors. B. Leniau, M. Ernoult, X. Doligez, J. Wilson. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. Kyoto (Japan) 2014.

  • Antineutrino emission from fuel with high proliferation resistance, T. Shiba, S. Cormon and M. Fallot,  International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. Kyoto (Japan), 28 septembre- 3 octobre 2014.

  • Reactor Simulations for Safeguards with the MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution Code, T. Shiba, M. Fallot et al., Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria)

  • SoLid: Innovative Antineutrino Detector for Reactor Monitoring, A.S. Cucoanes and the SoLid Collaboration, Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria).

  • Nuclear Reactor Monitoring with the Nucifer Neutrino Detector, D. Lhuillier and the Nucifer Collaboration, Symposium on International Safeguards 20-24 October 2014, IAEA headquarters, Vienna, (Austria).

  • Measurement of fission products β decay properties using a total absorption spectrometer, A.-A. Zakari-Issoufou, A. Porta, M. Fallot, A. Algora, J.L. Tain, E. Valencia, S. Rice, J. Agramunt, J. Äystö, M. Bowry et al. (27 more) EPJ Web of Conferences 62, 01007 (2013)

  •  Contribution of recently measured nuclear data to reactor antineutrino energy spectra predictions M. Fallot, S. Cormon, M. Estienne, A. Algora, V.M. Bui, A. Cucoanes, M. Elnimr, L. Giot, D. Jordan, J. Martino et al. (7 more), EPJ Web of Conferences 62, 07007 (2013)

  •  The detection of reactor antineutrinos for reactor core monitoring:an overview. Muriel Fallot. ESARDA bulletin 50, Dec. 2013.

  •  Results of fission products β decay properties measurement performed with a total absorption spectrometer, A.A. Zakari-Issoufou et al.,  Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2013), to appear in EPJ web of Conferences

  •  The total Absorption Spectroscopy Technique for Reactor Technology and Basic Nuclear Physics, A.A. Zakari-Issoufou et al., Proceedings of IEEE2013 conference, Seoul.

  •  Low Background Anti-neutrino Monitoring with an Innovative Composite Solid Scintillator Detector, P.R. Scovell, A. Vacheret, A. Baird, N. Ryder, A. Weber, Yu. Shitovy, B. Coupez, S. Kachelvaz, E. Koonenz, A. S. Cucoanes, M. Fallot, F. Yermia, B. Freret and P. Signorotti, Proceedings of IEEE2013 conference, Seoul, Corea.

  • N. Thiolliere, Baptiste Mouginot, Jean-Baptiste Clavel, Arnaud Cadiou, Fanny Courtin, Amélie Pector. A High power ADS concept. Technology and Components of Accelerator-Driven Systems, Second International Workshop. Nantes, France. 2013.

  • Baptiste Mouginot, Nicolas Thiollière. CLASS : Core Library for Advanced Scenario Simulations. Technology and Components of Accelerator-Driven Systems, Second International Workshop. Nantes, France. 2013.

  • A. Remoto pour la collaboration Double Chooz, Towards θ13 with the Double Chooz detector, Proceedings à la conference Neutrino 2012 (Kyoto, Japan)  

  • A. Onillon pour la collaboration Double Chooz, Reactor and antineutrino spectrum calculation for the Double Chooz first phase results, Proceedings à la conference Neutrino 2012 (Kyoto, Japan)

  • A. Remoto pour la collaboration Double Chooz, The Double Chooz Data Streaming,Proceedings a la conference CHEP 2012, New York City, US.

  • A. Cucoanes on behalf of the Nucifer Collab., The Nucifer experiment, Int. Conf. TAUP 2011 proceedings

  • S. Cormon, M. Fallot, V.M. Bui, L. Giot, A Onillon, A. Porta, F. Yermia, Nuclear Reactor Simulations for Unveiling Diversion Scenarios: Capabilities of the Antineutrino Probe Applied to VHTR Monitoring, proceedings of the Int. Conf. ICAPP 2011, 11198, (2011) Nice, France

  • M. Fallot et al. , Non-proliferation with antineutrino detectors, Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements), 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2011.09.037

  • V.M. Bui, M. Fallot, L. Giot, J. Martino, A.Porta, F. Yermia : Simulation of 235U and 239Pu decay heat using selected beta decay data in the framework of reactor antineutrino experiments, Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '10), June 2010, San Diego (California).

  • A.Porta, V.M.Bui, M. Cribier, A.S. Cucoanes, M. Fallot, M. Fechner, J. Gaot, L.Giot, R. Granelli, T. Lassere, A.Letourneau, D. Lhuillier, J. Martino, G. Mention, D. Motta, Th.A.Mueller, R. Queval, J. L. Sida, C. Varignon, F. Yermia,  Reactor neutrino detection for non proliferation with the NUCIFER Experiment, Proceedings of the ESARDA Annual Meeting, NA/NT WG plenary session, Budapest, (2011)

  • M. Fallot et al. , Non-proliferation with antineutrino detectors, Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements), 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2011.09.037

  • V.M. Bui, M. Fallot, L. Giot, J. Martino, A.Porta, F. Yermia : Simulation of 235U and 239Pu decay heat using selected beta decay data in the framework of reactor antineutrino experiments, Proceedings of the International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '10), June 2010, San Diego (California).

  • T. Lasserre, V.M.Bui, M. Cribier, A.S. Cucoanes, M. Fallot, M. Fechner, J. Gaot, L.Giot, R. Granelli, A.Letourneau, D. Lhuillier, J. Martino, G. Mention, D. Motta, Th.A. Mueller, A. Porta, R. Queval, J. L. Sida, C. Varignon, F. Yermia  Reactor Neutrino Detection for Non Proliferation with the NUCIFER Experiment , Symposium on International Safeguards IAEA, Paper Number : IAEA-CN-184/27 (2010)

  • A. Klimkiewicz, …, M. Fallot, et al., Collective Dipole Excitations in neutron-rich nuclei from 132Sn mass region, the nuclear symmetry energy and neutron skins, 43rd Zacopane Conf. on Nuclear Physics, ACTA Physica Polonica B, vol. 40, issue 3, p589 (2009).

  • A. Porta et al. (Nucifer collab.), Reactor neutrino detection for non proliferation with the Nucifer experiment, Proceedings of the International Conference TAUP, July 2009, Journal of Physics: Conference series 203 (2010)012092

  • A. Porta et al. (Nucifer collab.), Reactor neutrino detection for non proliferation with the Nucifer experiment, Proceedings of the International Conference ANIMMA, June 2009, A. Porta et al. (Nucifer collab.), IEEE transaction on nuclear science, vol. 57, no 5, October 2010

  • M. Fallot, V.M. Bui et al., Nuclear Reactor Simulations for Unveiling Diversion Scenarios : capabilities of the antineutrino probe, GLOBAL 2009 Proceedings Paris, Sept. 2009.

  • F. Yermia, S. Bouvier, V.M. Bui, et al., The Nucifer experiment : antineutrino detection for reactor monitoring, GLOBAL 2009 Proceedings Paris, Sept. 2009.

  • F. Yermia, S. Bouvier, V. M. Bui, H. Carduner, M. Fallot, L. Giot, B. Guillon, G. Guilloux, J. Martino, A. Nuttin and C. Renard, pour la collaboration Nucifer, PWR and CANDU Reactor monitoring with antineutrinos : non proliferation scenarios and expected sensitivity with the NUCIFER experiment, proceedings of the International Congress on Advances for Nuclear Power Plants 2009, Tokyo, May 2009 (proceedings accepté par ICAPP 2009, non présenté).

  • K. Boretzky et al., Nuclear Structure and Dynamics'09, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1165, 2009

  • N. Thiollière et al., Gas production and activation calculation in MEGAPIE, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource” Interlaken (Switzerland) 2008

  • L. Giot et al., Monte Carlo simulations in the context of reactor monitoring with antineutrinos, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource” Interlaken (Switzerland) 2008

  • A Porta et al., Reactor antineutrino detection for thermal power measurement and non-proliferation purposes, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource” Interlaken (Switzerland) 2008

  • M. Assie et al., Neutron correlations in 6He viewed through nuclear break-up reactions, Proceedings of the EURORIB conference 2008, Giens, France.

  • C. Golabek et al., Search for a long living giant system in 238U+238U collisions near the coulomb barrier, International Journal of modern physics E Nuclear Physics 17 (10):2235-2239 2008. Workshop on State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics, Strasbourg (2008).

  • C. Paradela, L. Giot, M.F. Ordonez, L. Audouin et al., Residues production in the 136Xe + p spallation reaction relevant for the incineration of nuclear waste, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, ND 2007 Proceedings, Nice, France,

  • Y. Tall, S. Cormon, M. Fallot, et al.,Volatile elements production rates in a proton-irradiated molten lead-bismuth target, Proceedings of the Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007.

  • E.G. Lanza, M.V. Andrès, F. Catara, Ph. Chomaz, M. Fallot and J.A. Scarpaci, Triple Giant Resonance Excitations: A Microscopic Approach Nuclear Physics A 788 (2007)112-117.

  • C-E. Demonchy et al., MAYA: An active-target detector for binary reactions with exotic beams, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research section A 583 (2-3):341-349 2007. Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Ring Image Cherenkov Counters (RICH 2007), Trieste.

  • C-E. Demonchy et al., MAYA, a gaseous active target, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research section A, 573 (1-2):145-148 2007. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors, Liverpool (2005).

  • F. Skaza et al., Low-lying states and structure of the exotic 8He via direct reactions on the proton, Proceedings of the COMEX2 conference (2006), Nuclear Physics A 788 (2007)260.

  • M. Fallot, et al., Decay of 1, 2 and 3-phonon states in 40Ca, Proceedings of the COMEX2 conference (2006), Nuclear Physics A 788 (2007)106.

  • B. Guillon et al., Towards reactor monitoring with antineutrinos, Global 2007: Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems, Global 2007 Proceedings, Boise, Idaho, USA

  • M. Fallot et al., Towards reactor neutrino applied physics, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, ND 2007 Proceedings, Nice, France.

  • F. Haddad, N. Michel, A. Guertin, J. Barbet, J.F. Chatal and J. Martino, ARRONAX, a high intensity cyclotron in Nantes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007 Nice (France)  2007

  • Y. Tall et al., Volatile elements production rates in a proton-irradiated molten lead-bismuth target, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007 Nice (France)  2007

  • P. Schuurmans et al., Design and supporting R&D of the XT-ADS spallation target, Proceedings of the Ninth Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation, p. 531-539 Nîmes (France) 2006

  • Hamid Aït Abderrahim et al., DM1 Design: development of a detailed design of XT-ADS and of a conceptual design of EFIT with heavy liquid metal cooling, Proceedings of the Ninth Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation, p. 433-441 Nîmes (France) 2006

  • Ch. Latge et al., MEGAPIE spallation target: design implementation and preliminary tests of the first prototypical spallation target for future ADS, Proceedings of the Ninth Information Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation, p. 407-419 Nîmes (France) 2006

  • S. Cormon et al., Non proliferation studies with the Double Chooz detector, XXII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics Neutrino 2006 proceedings, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA).

  • D. Lhuillier et al., Antineutrinos and Non-Proliferation via the Double-Chooz experiment, International Nuclear Physics Conf. 2007 Proceedings, Osaka, Japan.

  • M. Cribier et al., Neutrinos 2006 conf. proceedings.

  • L. Giot, P. Napolitani, M. F. Ordonez et al., Spallation studies at GSI, Proceeding de la conférence "11th international conference on nuclear reaction mechanisms", Juin 2006, Varenna. Ricerca Scientica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento, 126 Gadioli E 379.

  • A. Gillibert et al., Structure of exotic nuclei from direct reactions, Nuclear Physics A 787, 423C-432C, 2007. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL (2006).

  • AC Villari et al., Search for a long lived component in the reaction U+U near the Coulomb barrier, Proceedings Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI 89160-67 2007. Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI (2006).

  • C-E. Demonchy et al., First results of the new active target MAYA, Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics 31 (10):S1831-S1835 2005. Proceeding 1st International Conference on Nuclear, Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (NUSTAR 05), Guildford.

  • L. Zanini, et al., Measurement of Gas and Volatile Elements Production Rates in a Molten Lead-Bismuth Target, International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology - ND2004.

  • V. Lima et al., The Towing Mode, a spectroscopic tool for nuclear structure, Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento 123 (2004) 328-338.

  • L. Giot et al.,Study of the ground-state wave function of 6He via the 6He(p,t)alpha transfer reaction, Proceeding 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Pint Mt, GA, 2004.

  • A. Khouaja et al., Reaction cross-sections and reduced strong absorption radii of nuclei in the vicinity of closed shells N=20 and N=28, European Physical Journal A 225223-226 2005. Proceeding 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Pint Mt, GA, 2004.

  • H. Savajols et al., New mass measurements at the neutron drip-line, European Physical Journal A 2523-26 2005. Proceeding 4th International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses. Pint Mt, GA, 2004.

  • E. Becheva et al., Inverse kinematics proton scattering from the exotic nucleus 22O, Ricerca Scientica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento 123 (2004) 322-327.

  • M. Fallot, et al., Search for a three-phonon state in 40Ca, contribution du XLI International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio (Italie), Ricerca Scienti_ca ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento 120 (2003) 253-262.

  • L. Giot et al., Search for t+t clustering in 6He, Nuclear Physics A 738 426 2004. 8th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Nara, (2003).

  • R. Wolski et al., Clustering in exotic nuclei studies by transfer reactions, Proceeding Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics, American Institute of Physics (Ed.).Conf. Proc. 704, 301 (2004).

  • W. Mittig et al., Direct and resonant reactions with secondary beams at low energy, New era of nuclear structure physics 133-140 2004. International Symposiun on New Era of Nuclear Structure Physics, Kurokawa Village, Japan (2003).

  • Fazio, A. Guertin, T. Kirchner and al., The MEGAPIE-TEST project, Proceedings of the I. W. on P&T and ADS Development SCK-CEN (Belgique) 2003

  • V. Lapoux et al., Structure of light exotic nuclei 6,8He and 10,11C from (p,p') reactions, Nuclear Physics A722 (2003) 49. Proceedings International Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei (ISPUN 02), Halong Bay Vietnam (2002).

  • W. Mittig, H. Savajols, C. E. Demonchy, L Giot, P. Roussel-Chomaz et al. New target and detection methods: active detectors, Nuclear Physics A722 (2003) 10, Proceedings International Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei (ISPUN 02), Halong Bay Vietnam (2002).

  • Guertin and al., Light charged particles production cross sections in 62.9 MeV proton induced reactions on 208Pb, Proceedings of the XL International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, p. 224-234, Bormio (Italie)   2002

Publications sans comité de lecture :

  • Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy for Decay Heat Calculations and Other Applications, Summary Report of Consultants’ Meeting IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria 15-17 December 2014, IAEA-NDS Report INDC 676, Feb. 2015.

  • Etude de la puissance résiduelle de l’23U et 239Pu soumis à des pulses de fission thermiques et rapides à partir de différentes bases de données nucléaires, K. Danché, rapport de stage de M1, Univesité de Nantes, 2015.

  • Estimation des DPA induits par irradiation, applications à la simulation d’un colis de déchets nucléaires et d’un interne de réacteur, L. Giot, A. Onillon et M. Fallot, Note bilan communiquée à l'entreprise DAHER, août 2014 dans le cadre de la chaire industrielle DAHER – EMN

  • Rapport d’activité du groupe ERDRE dans le « Scientific report 2011-2013» du laboratoire, 2014.

  • OSIRIS research reactor simulation for the Nucifer experiment, N. Peuvrel, Master Nuclear Energy Internship Report 2014 (M1)

  • Définition d’une méthodologie de génération d’une base de données ADS pour le code de scénarios électronicléaires CLASS, F. Courtin, rapport de stage M2, Université de Nantes,2014

  • OSIRIS research reactor simulation for the Nucifer experiment, N. Peuvrel, rapport de stage de M1, Master Nuclear Energy à Orsay/Saclay, 2014

  • Analyse des données de l'expérience Nucifer, S. Bourse, rapport de stage de M1, Université de Nantes, 2014.

  • A.S. Cucoanes M. Fallot, D. Lhuillier  Extrapolation of N. Haag's 238U Antineutrino Energy Spectrum , note interne Double Chooz, (2013)

  •  A.S. Cucoanes  A Model for Extrapolation of the 238U Energy Spectrum , note interne Double Chooz, (2013)

  • Etude de la distribution de puissance dans une simulation de cœur REP-N4 avec MURE, A. Dussaix, rapport de stage M1, l’Université de Nantes.

  • Etude de l'évolution d'un système soumis à irradiation par le calcul théorique et informatique, A. Pector, rapport de stage M2, Université de Nantes.

  • Simulation des scénarios d'incinération de plutonium, F. Courtin, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes.

  • Analysis of the background infuced by cosmic muons in the nucifer experiment, T. Villajona, rapport de stage M1, école Phelma, Grenoble.

  • A.S. Cucoanes  Estimation of the Overburden of the Nucifer Experiment , note interne Nucifer, (2013)

  • A.S. Cucoanes  Data Acquisition Schemes for Nucifer Veto , note interne Nucifer, (2012)

  • Light Sterile Neutrinos: A White Paper, K.N. Abazajian (UC, Irvine), M.A. Acero (Mexico U., CEN), S.K. Agarwalla (Valencia U.), A.A. Aguilar-Arevalo (Mexico U., CEN), C.H. Albright (Fermilab & Northern Illinois U.), S. Antusch (Basel U.), C.A. Arguelles (Lima, Pont. U. Catolica), A.B. Balantekin (Wisconsin U., Madison), G. Barenboim (Valencia U.), V. Barger (Wisconsin U., Madison) et al.. Apr 2012. 281 pp. FERMILAB-PUB-12-881-PPD

  • J.L. Biarrotte, A. Billebaud, S. David, A. Guertin, A. Mueller, N. Thiollière. Potentiel d’incinération des réacteurs sous-critiques pilotés par accélérateur et validation expérimentale du concept. Rapport CNRS. Bilan des recherches conduites sur la séparation-transmutation des éléments radioactifs à vie longue et sur le développement de réacteurs nucléaires de nouvelle génération. Tome 2 Séparation-transmutation des éléments radioactifs à vie longue. Décembre 2012.

  • A. Bernstein, M. Fallot, T. Shea, J. Whichello, Proceedings of the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Safeguards Applications utilizing Antineutrino Detection and Monitoring, IAEA Report SG-EQGNRL-RP-0002.

l Initiation aux problématiques de l'énergie nucléaire transport et stockage des déchets, A. Feurle, rapport de stage M1, l’Université de Nantes.* Analyse des donnée de l'expérience Double Chooz, A. Cantin, rapport de stage L3, l’Université de Nantes.

  • Simulation de spectre en énergie des antineutrinos émais par le reacteur OSIRIS pour l'expérience NUCIFER, V. Communeau, rapport de stage M1, Master Nuclear Energy ParisTech.

  • Etude et développement d'un code de sénarios électronucléaire, A. Pector, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes.

  • Etude des techniques expérimentales de physique nucléarie et des particules, J. Bazoma, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes

  • Etude du bruit de fond induit par les muons cosmiques avec le système veto de l'expérience Nucifer, M. Gautier, rapport de stage M1, école Phelma, Grenoble.

  • Etude de la sélection des candidats neutrinos pour la mesure de l'angle theta13 avec l'expérience Double Chooz, G. Pronost, rapport de stage M2, Université de Nantes.

  • N. Thiollière, A. Guertin. Un nucléaire plus propre. Têtes chercheuses, numéro 17, 2011.

  • Measurements of b-decay properties of fission products with the TAGS technique, M. Hattawy, rapport de stage M2, master NPAC, Orsay.

  • Etude des caractéristiques des antineutrinos émis par les réacteurs de génération IV et les ADS, M. Lenoir, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes.

  • Etude des caractéristique des antineutrinos émis par les réacteurs de génération IV et les ADS, S. Picot, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes.

  • Etude de sensibilité et estimation de l'erreur systématique associée dans l’experience Double Chooz, G. Pronost, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes.

  • Simulation d'un colis de déchets, R. Leuga Sigue, rapport de stage M1, Université de Nantes.

  • A. Guertin, N. Thiollière, A. Cadiou, J.M. Buhour, O. Batrak, M. Dierckx, J. Heyse, K. Rosseel, P. Schuurmans, K. Van Tichelen, R. Stieglitz, A. Batta, A. Class, F. Roelofs, H. Jeanmart, V. Moreau. XT-ADS windowless spallation target design and corresponding R&D topics. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Technology and Components for Accelerator-driven Systems. Karlsruhe (Germany) 2010.

  • Caractérisation du détecteur veto a muons cosmiques de l'expérience Nucifer, G. Mercier, rapport de stage M1, école Phelma, Grenoble.

  • Simulation du spectre des antineutrinos mesurés dans l'expérience Double Chooz, A. Onillon, rapport de stage M2, Université de Nantes

  • 2009 : Rapport de stage de LICENCE 3 de P-A. Rigaud.

  • 2008: IAEA Report « Final Report of the Focused Workshop on Antineutrino Detection for Safeguards Applications », STR-361, Department of Safeguards.

  • 2008 : Note interne du Working Group "Reactor and Antineutrino spectra simulations" de la collaboration Double Chooz : Status and outlooks of the Double-Chooz Working Group : Reactor and Beta spectra simulations.

  • 2001 : Progress report on MEGAPIE target development, Guertin, T. Kirchner and al., European Commission 5th EURATOM Framework Contract n° FIKW-CT-2001-00159

  • 2009 : M. Fallot et al., note interne de la collaboration Nucifer sur les résultats du banc de test de SUBATECH pour la conception du détecteur véto à muons cosmiques de Nucifer

  • 2009 : F. Yermia et al., Note interne de la collaboration Nucifer sur les simulations GEANT4 relatives à la conception du détecteur véto à muons de l’expérience Nucifer.

  • 2009 : Rapport de stage de MASTER 1 de Loïc Le Meur.

  • 2008 : Rapports d'activité de SUBATECH pour la période 2005-2007.

  • 2008 : rapport de stage de MASTER 2 de V.M. Bui.

  • 2008 : Report on the selection of the reference XT-ADS target design and specifications, P. Schuurmans, K. Van Tichelen, A. Guertin, European Commission 6th EURATOM Framework Contract n° FI6W-CT-2004-516520 EUROTRANS

  • 2007 : rapport de stage de MASTER 2 de J.H. Xu.

  • 2007 : Neutron stars and nuclei : two dense systems, M. Fallot, M. Grasso, E. Khan and J. Margueron, Article à paraître dans Nuclear Physics News.

  • 2007 : Test experiment for the study by resonant scattering of the 45V(p,g) reaction rate, important in the 44Ti synthesis. Proposition d'expérience au GANIL E562 en mai.

  • Fragments production in the spallation reaction of 500 A MeV 136Xe with 1H, L. Giotet al., Rapport d’activités GSI 2006-2007

  • 2007 : Les vibrations géantes n'en finissent plus de se superposer ! M. Fallot, rapport d'activité de l'IN2P3 2004-2006

  • T2K – Double Chooz, rapport d’activité de l’IN2P3 2004-2006, Subatech est cité comme laboratoire impliqué.

  • 2006 : Pourra t-on incinérer les déchets nucléaires ?, M. Quiret and A. Guertin, Les Echos, p. 12-13, 29/11/2006

  • Rapport activites EMN 2006

  • 2006 : "Petit aperçu sur les modes collectifs de vibration du noyau" proceedings de coordinatrice des Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs 2006 (http://rjc2006.ganil.fr/).

  • 2006 : Rapport d'activité du laboratoire SUBATECH 2002-2005.

  • 2006 : Double-CHOOZ experiment proposal, arXiv:hep-ex/0606025, F. Ardellier et al., Double-CHOOZ coll., présenté à l'IN2P3 en mars 2006.

  • 2006 : La détection des antineutrinos : un moyen de lutte contre la prolifération des armes nucléaires ? S. Cormon, Proceedings des Journées Jeunes Chercheurs de la Société Française de Physique 2005 à Aussois.

  • 2005 : Characterization of the anti-neutrino energy spectra emitted from a nuclear reactor , proposition d'expérience acceptée sur le spectromètre LOHENGRIN à l'Institut Laue-Langevin de Grenoble. Porte-parole : P. Mutti.

  • 2005 : Neutron correlation in 6He studied through its nuclear break-up. : proposition d'expérience au GANIL, acceptée. Expérience prévue à l'été 2006. Porte-parole : J-A. Scarpaci et D. Lacroix.

  • 2005 : projet "Modélisation des étoiles à neutrons", demande de financement acceptée par l'IN2P3 et renouvelée pour 2006.

  • 2005 : Measurement of Gas and Volatile Elements Production Cross Section in a Molten Lead-Bismuth Target: addendum CERN-INTC-2005-017, INTC-P-171, Proposal to the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee. L. Zanini, M. Fallot, H. Frånberg, F. Gröschel, T. Kirchner, U. Köster, E. Manfrin, H. Ravn, Y. Tall, W. Wagner, M. Wohlmuther.

  • 2004 : Letter of Intent for Double-CHOOZ: a Search for the Mixing Angle Theta13, F. Ardellier, I. Barabanov, J. C. Barriere, M. Bauer, L. Bezrukov, C. Buck, C. Cattadori, B. Courty, M. Cribier, F. Dalnoki-Veress, N. Danilov, H. de Kerret, A. Di Vacri, A. Etenko, M. Fallot, Ch. Grieb, M. Goeger, A. Guertin, T. Kirchner, Y. S. Krylov, D. Kryn, 3, C. Hagner, W. Hampel, F. X. Hartmann, P. Huber, J. Jochum, T. Lachenmaier, Th. Lasserre, Ch. Lendvai, M. Lindner, F. Marie, J. Martino, G. Mention, A. Milsztajn, J. P.Meyer, D. Motta, L. Oberauer, M. Obolensky, 3, L. Pandola, W. Potzel, S. Schoenert, U. Schwan, T. Schwetz, S. Scholl, L. Scola, M. Skorokhvatov, S. Sukhotin, A. Letourneau, D. Vignaud, F. von Feilitzsch, W. Winter, E.Yanovich, Double-CHOOZ Collaboration/Projet.

  • 2004 : MEGAPIE final summary report on target design, Guertin, T. Kirchner and al., European Commission 5th EURATOM Framework Contract n° FIKW-CT-2001-00159 2004, Rapport Interne SUBATECH 2003/03

  • 2000 :  Proton induced reactions on naturalU at 62.9 MeV, F. Haddad, A. Guertin and al., European Commission 5th EURATOM Framework Contract No FIKW-CT-2000-0031, Scientific Report HINDAS 2002   

  • 2001 : Sections efficaces de production de pions et de kaons lors de collisions proton-noyau de l’ordre du GeV. Mesures de sections efficaces de production de particules chargées légères lors de réactions induites par protons de 62,9 MeV sur cible de plomb, A. Guertin, Thèse de Doctorat en Physique Nucléaire Université de Nantes 2001

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