SUBATECH is a joint laboratory (UMR 6457) of the National Institute for nuclear and particle physics (IN2P3) from the CNRS (National Center for the Scientific Research), the École des Mines of Nantes and the University of Nantes

Université de Nantes in2p3filaire EMN vignette full

Via these two later funding agencies, Subatech is a member of the Research and Higher Education Cluster L'UNAM. The laboratory is also a member of the interdisciplinarity research federation GRIM3 (Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, les Molécules et la Matiere) and a member of the Universe Sciences Observatory of Nantes Atlantique OSUNA. The laboratory is affiliated to the graduate school 3MPL (Molécules, Matieres et Matériaux en Pays de Loire) delivering doctor titles.

Pole de Recherches et d'Enseignement Supérieur UNAM Logo OSUNA Grim3 3MPL