The Subatech teams are involved in fundamental research in subatomic physics, research piloted by IN2P3 of the CNRS on a national scale. This research often requires the collaboration of several laboratories and several countries worldwide. The international visibility of our laboratory is a key objective and we contribute with our know-how to major collaborations in the field. Since 1996, we have been participating in the ALICE Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment at CERN (Geneva) with the ultimate goal of studying the properties of matter at very high temperatures - a few trillion kelvin - above the transition temperature to deconfined matter called the plasma of quarks and gluons. This research is complemented by an important activity of our laboratory in strong interaction theory, in the fields of quantum chromodynamics, heavy flavors, phenomenological calculations and the development of software for numerical simulations of heavy ion collisions, structured by the EPOS-HQ project and the ANR COLDLOSS project. In this field of research, we coordinate the European project STRONG-2020, a structured initiative. We participate in the international collaborations Double Chooz, SoLiD and JUNO which aim to study the properties of neutrinos in nuclear reactors, with a unique know-how in detection techniques and numerical simulation of these reactors and calculations of antineutrino energy spectra based on our nuclear physics measurements in the international collaboration TAGS. With TAGS, the e-Shape project and the future (NA2)STARS project, we are interested in the beta decay properties of nuclei through experiments at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, which touch upon neutrinos as well as the physics of the nucleus and the nucleosynthesis of elements in the universe. We have joined the international KM3NeT collaboration with the objective of detecting extra-galactic neutrinos produced by violent phenomena in the Universe and correlating them with other messengers. We have a strong and pioneering contribution in France for the direct research of dark matter with the international collaboration Xenon whose successive detection devices (XENON100, XENON1T and soon XENONnT) have been installed at the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy. We have developed the EXTASIS project until 2019 with the objective of detecting atmospheric cosmic ray sheaves by detecting the radio waves generated by these sheaves. Finally, we have projects in the field of ab-initio calculations of the fundamental chemical properties of radionuclides (RCT project).