The SUBAtomic Physics and Associated Technologies Laboratory, created in 1994, is a joint research unit (UMR 6457), affiliated to three supervising bodies: the IMT Atlantique, the National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics of the CNRS, and the University of Nantes.
Fully integrated in major scientific collaborations worldwide, Subatech's research activities revolve around the fields of nuclear physics, hadronics, particles, astroparticles and radiochemistry. Subatech carries out fundamental research and applied research in the fields of energy, environment and health. The mastery of the technologies associated with these fields is a key factor for the success of the laboratory's projects.
Subatech contributes to socio-economic development thanks to a finalised research and valorisation strategy, whether it is through industrial chairs, technology transfers, the creation of a company by actors of the laboratory or the co-financing of doctoral theses with the industrial world.
Subatech in figures
180 people
7 research teams / 230 publications and oral communications per year
5 M€ total budget per year
40% engineers, technicians and administrative staff
40% researchers, teacher-researchers and post-docs
20% PhD students
50 trainees per year